Friday, 18 July 2008

Gaming’s mightiest moustaches

The 20 sharpest soup strainers in games

What makes Metal Gear Solid 4 so special? It’s unparalleld, multi-layered narrative? The peerless sneaking shenanigans? The myriad of mad Kojima moments? Nope. It’s Snake’s stache, of course. And, inspired by the stealthy pensioner’s final mission and some of the finest face fuzz we’ve ever seen, here’s a selection of gaming’s great taches.

Victor Sullivan, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

The tache of a treasure hunter: distinguished and dignified.

Zangief, Street Fighter

SF’s piledriving powerhouse sports
a meaty Short Boxed beard and tache.

Heihachi Mishima, Tekken series

Everyone’s favourite punchy pensioner
looking mean with his Horseshoe tache.

Niko Bellic, GTA IV

Liberty City’s amoral assassin sports a
clean tache with slight beard undertones.

Mario Mario, Almost every Nintendo game ever

The world’s most famous portly plumber
proudly wearing his handlebars and where
there’s Mazza…

Luigi Luigi, Luigi’s Mansion, Mario Kart, Super Mario Galaxy

His brother and part time stalker can’t be far
behind. He’s even copied his bro’s stache. Creepy.

Triple H, Smackdown series

The Game in all his spandex glory
showcasing some charming Chops.

Dr. Robotnik (aka Eggman), Sonic the Hedgehog series

Should probably have spent less time on the
tache and more time trying to kill that hateful hog.

Shun Di, Virtua Fighter series

The master of Drunken Kung Fu
and his dapper Van Dyke facial hair.

The End, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The geriatric sniper comes complete with that
lovable slaphead tache/beard combo, made famous
by Only Fools’ dear old Uncle Albert. During the war…

Gordon Freeman, Half-Life series

A tasteful tache and beard combo, the
hallmark of men of science everywhere.

Captain Price, Call of Duty 4

The gaffer of the Guille sniper level
goes for an old school Walrus tache.

Good Conscience, Black and White 1 & 2

This mini deity is blessed with
bristles of biblical proportions.

The sixth Colossus, Shadow of the Colossus

OK, more of a beard than a tache. But, when its owner
is 200 feet tall, who’s gonna argue with this entry?

Sam Fisher, Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Sneaking between that fine line of five
o’clock shadow and proper tache and beard.

General Diego, Red Dead Revolver

His level in Rockstar’s Western shooter is a clear homage
to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. And he comes well
prepared with full gringo grizzle and moustache.

Cortex, Crash Bandicoot series

Another fine pair of Chops. No mad scientist
can truly cackle until he has a bit of face fuzz.

Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid series

The Gear’s longest surviving baddie. His secret? Back-stabbing,
sharp-shooting and a fine English-style stache, of course.

Old Snake, Metal Gear Solid 4

The legendary mercenary who inspired this tache bash.
We’re sure gonna miss that soup strainer/mullet combo.

And finally…

Ivy, Soulcalibur series

A flimsy excuse to post a photoshopped pic of gaming’s
most provocative pugilist with some face fur? You bet.

Have we missed your fave facial hair-sprouting character? Tell us who you’d add to the list below.

1. The Top 7… Gaming moments you don’t want a loved one walking in on

Gaming’s rudest, crudest and downright embarrassing moments named and shamed

Embarrassment and videogames have always gone side by side. Hardcore gamers wearing Commodore 64 clothing. Meandering outside your local game shop for a midnight launch to a chorus of inventive insults from folk falling out of pubs. Your other half catching you pulling a sickie trying to sign that elusive Chilean wonder kid in Football Manager; we’ve all been embarrassed in front of our family and friends over our gaming habits at some point.

But there’s ‘do you think anyone smelt me dropping that beef biscuit?’ embarrassment. And then there’s ‘accidentally relieving your bowels in public after one too many pints and a chicken vindaloo’ embarrassment. Guess which category someone walking in on you enjoying the following gaming shames falls into?

7. Crying after crippling a Colossus, Shadow of the Colossus

Sure, she might say she wants you to show a sensitive side. But just trying explaining to your girlfriend why you’re blubbing like a baby over killing something that looks like the product of a steamy one-nighter between a koala and King Kong. Better get the hankies and the excuses at the ready, though. Because killing one of Colossus’ gentle giants in this enchanting adventure is like watching Bambi while parading your privates through a mincer.

There's only one thing that'll get your
inner man-babus
blubbing more
than offing a colossus and it's this...

Possible excuse: Tears? No. Don’t be stupid. It’s just Hay fever. It’s Winter, you say? Look the narrative is really affecting. It’s actually a moving love story. He’s braining these docile beasts for love, see. It’s just like Sleepless in Seattle. Honest.

6. Catching Meryl in her kecks, Metal Gear Solid/ Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

There’s nothing like a family member walking in on you while you’re ogling a tele full of digital arse flesh. But follow Metal Gear’s First Lady into the little girl’s room quickly enough in Snake’s first 3D adventure and you’ll literally catch this heroine with her trousers down. Not a great time for mum to barge in for a dirty sock-search.

We failed three different times before
we managed to get into the ladies’ room
fast enough to trigger this. We’re so lonely…

Possible excuse: What? That’s not the standard issue uniform for armed forces? But who really needs trousers in, erm… Alaska?

5. A very literal toilet break, Condemned Two: Bloodshot

Who doesn’t love their dear old Gran coming over for Sunday roast? Stories about the war, enough Worthers’ Originals to give you diabetes and the dear old mare hijacking the TV to watch a spot of Songs of Praise. It’s just a pity she’ll have to endure you using one of Condemned Two’s grizzly environmental kills before she can change the channel.

Sega’s depraved first person brawler/shooter is like an interactive version of David Fincher’s Se7en. But as much as we love games inspired by Kevin Spacey serial killer flicks – especially those that let you pop open a junkie’s head with a toilet seat - we suspect Nan might prefer her hymns.

Bloodshot’s environmental kills aren’t for the
squeamish. And you don’t need to be an alchy
forensic investigator to tell this has gotta hurt

Possible excuse: Don’t worry, that’s not blood or little bits of brain. No. It’s just… erm, isn’t it time for Corrie Gran?

4. Undead bonking, Fahrenheit

There’s no doubt that Fahrenheit was an innovative game when it was released in 2005. Combining a compelling, believable narrative with some gripping QTE-style cut scenes, it really did feel like an interactive movie. Still, for all of its character nuisance and depth it wasn’t above a bit of sexy sex. And the bit where the two main protagonists start to go at it like a couple of drunk, horny teens on prom night is fairly explicit for a videogame.

What makes it really disturbing, though, is one of the characters, Lucas, is clearly a living corpse by the time they start bumping uglies on the back of a freezing cargo train. Although it’s nothing you won’t have seen on Bravo past ten at night, you still wouldn’t want to share it with your nearest and dearest.

Here’s the big ‘romantic’ scene. Warning: This
video contains mild, midnight Bravo-style nudity

Possible excuse: No, it’s not a needless flashing of flesh. The world is about to end, so zombie sex is clearly integral to the plot. They need to respawn the Earth with little undead nippers after all.

3. HD lap dance, GTA IV

Going to a gentleman’s establishment for a private showing in past GTAs was certainly not something you wanted someone walking in on. But, played on a small enough tele, the blurry, low-def graphics might just have seen you get away with it. Unfortunately, the HD era, with its reasonably-priced leviathan LCD screens and crystal clear next-gen graphics, means there’s no hiding those high-def, thong-clad cheeks.

The backroom in IV’s Pink Triangle Club even has different levels of service, which include girl-on-girl grotty goings on if Niko’s feeling flush. We’d suggest staying away from the place all together to save any potential embarrassment. How about a nice game of darts instead?

The most expensive treatment in the Triangle
Club's backroom is fine and all. But, for these kinds
of prices, would it kill someone to bring us a Sprunk?

Possible excuse: This is really not what it looks like. I’m actually chasing up a lead. I’m trying to find that special someone. In a, erm…strip club…with a lap dance…in a private room in the back. Look, it’s a legit investigation, ok?

2. The sperm conversations, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Where to start with Larry? There’s an absolute rafter of raunchy escapades you’d never live down if you were caught controlling gaming’s most pronounced perv. Be it panty raids, playing Quarters – where you have to get impressionable girls drunk - or enough sleaze to make even Ron Jeremy blush.

Steering sperm through ‘hot spots’ while trying to chat girls up has to take the carnal cake, though. And you’d be hard pressed to argue the cultural and artistic merit of games if anyone caught you controlling Larry’s best swimmers.

Country legend Willie Nelson is mentioned
numerous times in this charming conversation.

Possible Excuse: Eh, it’s a clever and ironic take on the post-modern dating scene? Nah, you’re right. I’m just a lonely person.

1. The whole thing, World of Warcraft

It may be the most popular MMORPG on the planet, holding the Guinness World Record for the most monthly subscribers of any game, but you still don’t want anyone to know you play it. It might be a life-swallowing doze of RPG nirvana. But being caught trying to level up your Draenei at three in the morning is never going to be a proud moment, is it?

Arguably the greatest MMORPG ever made.
Still, does it have to be quite so beardy?

Possible Excuse: Look this is just as normal as going for a few pints or a kick about. I mean, 16 million people can’t be wrong, can they? Can they?!

Now that we've aired some gaming shames, what about the rest of you? Why not share your personal moments of toe-curling gaming embarrassment below?

Thursday, 17 July 2008

The Top Seven… Fighting fit fat characters

Gaming’s fittest fatties and their impossible bypass-bating moves

Videogames characters are increasingly becoming the poster children for gym membership. With most of gaming’s heroes and heroines being chiseled, pert and with cheek bones you could grate cheese on, there’s seems to be less and less room for the more gelatinous gentleman in the industry.

That’s why we thought we’d celebrate those characters who said no to Atkins and still managed to pull off moves that would shame most gold-winning gymnasts. But while they might seem fighting fit on your console, we’ll look at the grim reality these gaming goliaths’ would face as a result of their big bones.

1. Fat Carl Johnson, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

The game - Pile on the pounds with the Los Santos layabout by stuffing too many Clucking Bells down your colon and CJ might struggle learning some of the game’s fighting styles and won’t be able to swim or run for as long. But that’s really the only drawback to letting the Grove Street gangster pile on the pounds. Fat CJ is still a crack marksman, a master of stealth, an accomplished cyclist and can even bust a mean move on the dance floor.

The star of San Andreas proudly
packing some excess junk in his drunk

The reality – In real life fat CJ would spend most of his time eating Burger Shots while sprawled out on his couch listening to Radio Los Santos. Forget those Agent 47-esque shooting skills. His chubby fingers would get stuck in most of the weapons’ triggers. A stealthy burglar? Don’t think so. His thundering 20 stone footsteps would shake the very foundations of any house he tried to rob. He’d break any bicycle he sat on. And, with his advanced weight, the only thing this fatty would bust on the dance floor would be his hip.

The only thing the Grove Street Goliath is gonna
be 'hip' to is some expensive medial bills. Ouch

2. Barry Burton – Resident Evil

The game – In the original Resident Evil the don of dire dialogue - which infamously includes calling Jill the ‘master of unlocking’ - regularly comes to his fellow S.T.A.R.S. member’s aide. Whether it’s saving her from becoming a ‘Jill Sandwich’ from a falling ceiling or helping against the Tyrant, this tubbo laughs in the face of undeath.

Barry Burton is the gaming equivalent of George Lucas. Fat, beardy
with enough stilted dialog to curl even hardened fanboy's toes

The reality – Somehow we can’t see burly Barry surviving in a mansion full of super-fit feral dogs, hunters and giant snakes. The only way he’d survive would be locking himself in the kitchen until Jill and Chris had wiped out the zombie menace. Although, threat of the undead or not, we’d imagine him doing that anyway.

A Fridge too far: Nothing like a feast to make you
forget about that 40 foot feral snake in the attic

3. Kirby – Kirby series, Super Smash Bros.

The game – Ever since Kirby’s Dream Land in 1992 the bloated blob has been running, jumping and floating around planet Pop Star like a champion Olympian. Ninty’s star has never let his rotund frame get in the way of his success, with Kirby bagging himself his own anime and comic series off the back of his game adventures.

Kirby may have been developed in the home of the bullet train,
but who needs 200mph public transport when you've got
more aerial prowess than Concord. Well... before the accidents.

The reality – Have you seen the size of this portly pink bastard recently? A native of planet Pop Star? More like planet Pop Tart. Kirby should barely be able to move let alone save an entire civilization with his acrobatic abilities. The sizeable sphere’s signature move from Kirby’s Adventure onwards is his ability to devour enemies and then spit them out, usurping their powers in the process. Though, judging by his latest trip to the scales, we’d wager most of those baddies are still stuffed in his stomach.

The agonizing wait for his first proper Wii adventure
has left the Kirbster with a severe pastry problem

4. Fatman, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

The gameSons of Liberty’s self-proclaimed ‘emperor of explosives’ is not only a mastermind when it comes to building and blowing up bombs, he’s also an uncannily nimble rollerblader. Planting C4 all over the roof of the Big Shell - which have to be disarmed under a strict time limit - it’s no wonder Raiden had trouble besting this behemoth of a man. It also doesn’t help that during the entirety of the battle he gracefully pirouettes past your bullets like he was performing for Dancing on Ice.

Patriot stooge he may be, but this fatty can still reach some mean
speeds thanks to his rollerblades. A classic bit of Koj madness

The reality – In the game he comes across as a wine connoisseur. No house red is that fattening, though, and we suspect he's been guzzling one too many choccie shakes during his time off from terrorism. We'd also be surprised if his skates lasted more than a few minutes under his bulky build. But, even if they didn’t buckle, he’d still be out of puff after laying his first bomb, leaving Raiden to fire a few bullets into his fat face for a quick kill.

Nothing like a few hundred, health-sapping
calories to prepare you for a life or death battle

5. The Big Show – WWE Smackdown series prior to 2003

The game – Prior to 2003’s Here Comes the Pain, the former WCW and WWE champion was as spry a seven footer as you’re ever likely to see. As quick across the mat as Rey Mysterio and as technical as Kurt Angle, there was nothing the big man couldn’t do. Hell, he could even perform gravity-defying top rope moves like the Hurricarana and the Shooting Star Press if you assigned them to him.

The Showster: A shining example of
how to maximize your man boobs

The reality – If the Big Show actually performed a move from the top rope the resulting earthquake would reform the Earth’s tectonic plates. Thankfully, Yukes have seen sense in their more recent games, giving super heavyweights like the Showster their own unique move sets. Minus the top rope shenanigans, of course. The stamina system of the last few games has also seen the Big Show transform into the Big Slow, with the giant having to pause for breath after anything more taxing than toddling over the tope rope.

Yep, this is how the continents were really
formed. Who says we're not educational?

6. E. Honda, Street Fighter series

The games – The man known as Edmond to his friends, this sizeable sumo is one of Street Fighter’s deadliest combatants. Fast, agile and with a thong that could shelter your entire house when it rains, E. Honda’s signature Hundred Hand Slap has become one of the most feared and iconic moves in beat-‘em-ups.

He's fast, fearless and can dole out more slaps
in a second than a month's worth of Emmerdale omnibuses:
weight has never got in this supreme sumo's way

The reality – Too much sushi means the only thing a man of Honda’s size could hit is the speed dial for his local take away. And, against a lineup featuring fitness freaks like Ryu, Vega and Chun-Li’s thighs of granite, the big man would have a heart attack half way through the first round.

Edmond clearly wasn't pleased with
the restaurant's 15% service charge

7. Ronaldo, every footie game from the mid 90s onwards

The games – The World Cup’s leading ever scorer, this samba striker has been running riot in PES and FIFA for over a decade. Suspiciously slim, quick like a greased Scotsman and injury free, the digital Ronnie can bang in belters like it was 2002 all over again.

Ronaldo: Striking a blow for every fat
kid who was picked last for footie

The reality – Lard-assed, lumbering and crippled after a devastating knee knack, the real Milan marksman is more likely to dip into a bag of onion rings than burst the onion bag with a shot. Well, at least he has his looks to fall back on. Oh wait…

Ronnie doing an elephant man after
'literally' stuffing his face with onion rings

Have we missed your favourite fighting fit fatty? Let us know in our comments section.

The Top 7… biggest wastes of a superhero’s powers

The super folk forced from the mighty to the mundane

Games have always been the perfect medium for escapism. Whether you’re taking on a walking nuclear tank with a stealthy pensioner, triple jumping through a distant galaxy with a portly plumber or blowing up a planet-sized ring with a stoic supersoldier; videogames have always been a vehicle for the fantastic.

You’d think then that games based around superheroes would be the ultimate expression of these impossible feats and incredible powers. Nope. Unfortunately, most superhero tie-ins we can think of have had more tedious tasks than chances to protect the planet. And the following games all have moments where their hero’s powers are woefully wasted.

1. Spidey saves balloons in peril and becomes MJ’s chauffeur, Spiderman 2 and 3

Who wants to swing around the Empire State Building or stop bank heists with the webbed wonder when his games give you the choice of saving children’s balloons from precarious skyscraper ledges? Not exciting enough for you? Don’t worry. Spidey 3 frequently forces you to swing Mary Jane home in timed races. Next time, get the Tube like every other New Yorker you lazy bint. We’ve got bags of air to save.

Doc Ock brutally murdered a bus of school
children while the
webbed wonder saved these balloons

2. Human Torch takes a lift, The Fantastic Four

The power of flight. Something man has dreamed of mastering ever since the dawn of time. Being able to glide gracefully through the air is clearly a big burden for the Human Torch, though. He’d rather to take a cargo elevator – which drops all of twenty feet – in the first level instead of doing his best Supes’ impression. Icarus would be crushed.

Flame off! Anyone else going to the seventh floor?

3. Wolvy uses a keycard, Wolverine’s Revenge

Adamantium is quite the metal. Once cooled it’s indestructible, and, with it coating Wolverine’s entire skeleton, you’d think nothing would get in his way. Wrong. Wolvy’s retractable Admantium claws are apparently no match for a locked door. And even though they should be able to cut through titanium like a katana through Clover, Logan is still forced to find and collect keycards to progress through the game.

Adamantium: No match for a barely boarded-up door

4. Iron Man does some wiring, Iron Man

Why would Sega go to the trouble of giving you control of a hero with a flying, billion dollar, missile-launching suit and then force you to do the job of a glorified electrician? Among the countless menial objectives Tony Stark has to blow up, nothing gets the blood pumping like taking out some power couplings. Next time your city’s about to be wiped out by Blizzard don’t bother calling the metal man; just pick up the Yellow Pages instead.

Iron Man Electrics: He's in the book

5. Bruce Banner gets his sneak on, The Incredible Hulk

Unlike the excellent Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, the game of Ang Lee’s 2003 flop diluted the ‘Hulk smash!’ formula by including needless Bruce Banner stealth sections. Not only were the sub-Metal Gear mechanics a real chore, you’d be forced to replay these levels if you Hulked up. And really, who wants to be sneaking around in the shadows with a scientist when you could be punching tanks into the sun with everyone’s favourite mean, green fighting machine?

Solid Hulk isn't exactly a lean, green, sneaking machine

6. Catwoman on the ledge of sanity, Catwoman

What a stellar choice EA made here. Give you control of a ass-kicking heroine who can rip baddies’ throats out, makes Indy look like (even more of) a pensioner with a whip and has better reflexes than ten caffeine-fuelled Russian gymnasts. And then force said heroine to veeeery sloooowly make her way through pitch-black platform levels made up of obscure ledges. Granted, Berry’s portrayal of the Bat’s bit on the side may be laughable, but the character herself deserves more than this shambles.

Oh c'mon. We just want to whip some baddies in the plums.

7. The man of steel does a NiGHTS, Superman

Superman on the N64 is the videogame equivalent of a big steamy pile of Kryptonite. Slow, foggy and with some of the most broken controls we’ve ever seen, it’s a massive slap in the face to Supes. Nothing, though, is worse than seeing the ultimate superhero reduced to having to fly through a series of rings like a common NiGHT – minus that game’s wonderful charm and character. The only thing we want to fly through is time (ala the film). And until we get a game that lets us fly around the globe backwards so we can go back to win the lotto, Clark’s videogame powers will never reach their potential.

Supes gets in touch with his feminine side. What a
new-aged man Lois has turned him into

Can you think of any other mundane tasks you've been forced to muddle through as a superhero we've not mentioned? Let us know in our comments section below.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Five things we’d do to fix PES

The features that can save the real footie fan’s game of choice from becoming PES-t it

Euro 2008 was great, wasn’t it? Exciting, dramatic and with more Turkish delight than a 20 quid box of chocolates. We almost forgot none of the home nations were there. Well, almost. Anyway, with our passion for the beautiful game peeked and the first batch of PES 2009 shots released a couple of weeks back, we thought it would be a good time to discuss what we’d like to see in the latest installment of the real football fan’s footie game.

First things first. We love PES. We really do. Over the series’ 7 year lifespan we’ve gone through all its baptisms of fire. Wiling away hundreds of hours scouring the continent for promising young wing backs in the Master League, cursing the cheating A.I. more than a Manc cop caught in a Rangers rabble and throwing more temper tantrums in multiplayer than William Gallas; all done in the name of the beautiful and infuriating game.

But there’s no denying that parts of last year’s game on Xbox 360 – and the PS3 in particular – were more broken than Derby’s defence. Cack-handed keepers, twitchy crossing and shooting and some poor presentation are the main issues that haunt PES 2008. Keeping these problems in mind, here are the top five things we’d like to see sorted for this year’s game.

5. Sort out the stadiums

Granted, in past games we’ve always had to put up with stupid names. But at least Magpie Park and the Red Cauldron were clearly modeled on St. James’ and Anfield. The last two next-gen PES games have done away with all the Premier League grounds. And bringing them back would add immersion and strengthen the atmosphere; making us feel like we’re actually huddled with our heroes in the Old Trafford’ centre circle, rather than some impassive observers controlling things from the sidelines. Hell, it might even make us forget we’re playing with North London or Man Red. Get this element sorted Seabass, and you can call the Emirates ‘Silly Nanny Coliseum’ for all we care.

The Silly Nannies' finest waves to his adoring Goooners

4. Let us tear up the turf

How about deformable pitches? You just know EA will include it with FIFA sometime soon and brand it with a gimmicky marketing slogan, like ‘turf tearer 2000′. Why not beat them to the punch and have pitches that will actually wear and tear depending on parameters like the weather and time of year? Just imagine the Drog slipping in a bog at a wet and windswept pitch, all thanks to some real-time deformation. We can almost feel the mud and hear the jeers of ‘get on your feet you diver!’ just thinking about it.

Thank God 'Drog' rhymes with 'bog' or we'd have let a
perfectly good Photoshopping opportunity pass us by

3. Bring back the decent edit mode

PES’ licensing issue, while partially understandable, has always been hugely frustrating. And, as much as we love playing with Berkshire Blues and West Midlands Village, a fully licensed Premier League would be the Holy Grail. Unfortunately, that’s about as likely as Charlton winning the Champions league. However, there are things that can be done to alleviate these naming nightmares and kit crises.

Yeah, we all want a fully licensed Premiership. But
we know we're gonna get Merseyside & Man Red

For starters, we’d love to see the fantastic kit editor from pre-PES 6 brought back. Alright, we all know EA are clamping down on PES gamers who manipulate code to make real kits and then share them on sights like PESFan. But at least give us an editor where every shirt isn’t blighted with a massive stripe down the middle. An exhaustive emblem editor that afforded the anal among us the tools to craft detailed badges and logos for our favourite sides would be much appreciated. And would wipe away the hurt of years of putting up with shoddy shirts.

2. Redo the animation

Concerning matters on the pitch, it’s vital that Konami tear up their current animation engine and start from scratch. While movement on the PS2 version is buttery smooth and Giggsy-graceful, the next-gen versions are hamstrung with three or four robotic running animations that make players like Ronaldo and Messi move like they’ve got colostomy bags crammed up their crappers (who else just got an unpleasant mental image?) Anyway, how about a nice new engine, perhaps build on the Havok physics engine? This would give players more natural weight, motion and collision detection.

The biggest question of the summer: Is Ronnie
set for a season with a bag or man nappies?

Crafting individual, unique player animations for some of Europe’s biggest hitters would be a great start. Imagine watching the subtlety and grace of a Van Persie slip of the shoulder, an explosive, oxen-strong run by Fernando Torres or the mesmerizing twinkle-toed dribbles of Robinho. This would not only help to differentiate players (making it easier to spot who’s who in the superlative zoomed-out wide view), it would give them personality. And might just create the illusion of playing with eleven unique, quirky individuals, instead of emotionless lines of computer code. PES 3 completely tore up the rule book and showed the relatively primitive movement of the first two PS2 games the red card. PES 2009 needs to do the same thing, and player specific animation, more realistic ball physics and better lighting effects would reinvigorate the series.

1. Fix the f@%$ing keepers!

Really, how hard can it be to fix this? Instead of wasting your time implementing a completely redundant (read: shit) diving system Konami, sort out the boys who guard the onion bag instead. We can’t count the times we’ve almost come to blows over a usually friendly game of multi-player PES thanks to the curse of Captain Pan Hands, that’ll often see even the tamest tap-in trickle into the net. We don’t mind our keepers being slightly unpredictable. It adds drama, after all. But at least make them semi-reliable when dealing with shots our partially-sighted Nan could save.

The curse of the cack-handed keeper.
Please Seabass, no more Captain Pan Hands!

Anyway, Seabass, there’s a few ideas for you. Get cracking now and PES might just be restored to its former pad-flinging, tantrum-flaring, exam-failing glories. Oh, and a PS3 version that actually works might be nice, too.

What about the rest of you? What would you like to see included in the new PES? Share your views below.